Monday, June 27, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Host Family!!

I feel odd posting to this blog before sending the link to anyone, but I just got one of my first big pieces of news, so.... Hello to everyone not yet reading this!
I just got an email from my future host father, Rolf Kühnle. I'll be staying with him and his wife in the very small town of Roetgen, near the city of Aachen, which is basically on the border of both Belgium and the Netherlands. The family has two children, a son and a daughter, who are already in college, so I'll basically be an only child again. One of the coolest things about my placement, besides the fact that I'm right next to the beautiful and historical city of Aachen, is that I'm so close to Belgium - so I'll be able to practice my French as well as my German. One of the most challenging things about my placement, besides the fact that I'll be in an incredibly small town, is that I will be very, very cold. Something about the border with the Netherlands tells me that I'll need to buy some good winter clothing.
To be honest, I'm excited for all of it.  I've barely even seen snow, and I get to actually experience it for the first time while I'm there, and I'm actually excited for the experiencing life in Roetgen, the population of 8000 is going to be an interesting change from Marin. 
Anyways, welcome to the first page of the rest of my blog; I'll try not to make it too boring from here on out. 

My School  -  Aachen  -  Roetgen